Decoding vintage synth seller lingo: a user guide
Happy new year folks! New year, new me? Nope. In fact, for my first post of 2025, I thought I would dredge up a 5-year-old thread I made on a forum that I no longer frequent. The contents of the post are still accurate, the only real (a very real) difference is that not long afterward vintage synth prices went skyhigh during the COVID pandemic thanks to homebound investors with nowhere else to put their money. Prices have come down somewhat since and there's still plenty of good vintage synths to get for decent prices but forget about every buying some things for less than multiple 10s of Ks. Anyway, on with the post: Decoding vintage synth seller lingo: a user guide Given how increasingly difficult it is to navigate the vintage synth market these days, particularly for first time buyers, I thought it would be helpful to provide an extensive, if not exhaustive, list of terms used by sellers that one might run across in places like eBay or Reverb, and their actual...